Friday, 5 June 2015

What's this all about?

Most independent video game developers consider themselves first as a coder and then secondly as an artist. I, on the other hand, am just the opposite. With a background in computer graphics, and little knowledge in computer programming I set at last on an interesting journey, that of an "indie game dev".

This blog will be my diary as I begin this career, whether it's successful or not, I hope I can help others like me by typing down all the hoops I've jumped through and even share a few tips.

It's not something that hit me in the head over night, ofcourse. Could say that I always wanted to make video games, heck doesn't every gamer? And so, last week, after a long period of thought and planning I began working, actual work, on my first indie game project, and I am prepared to take it to a finished state.

As mentioned above this is one week after I've started my work on the project, and I have made a -lot- of progress.

Project: Rolo's Quest (Working Title)
Week 1 - Goal: The backbone of the game.
-Achieved -

Over the next few posts I will try to elaborate the work that I've done so far, and organize my thoughts as I make plans for week 2.

For now I shall leave you with a screenshot of the Game's Main Menu.

Rolo's Quest - Main Menu

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